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This category contains 12 posts

The Space In Between

Back in 1999 in a provocation I wrote for a listserve discussion, I described my work in networked performance between 1995 and 1999. It’s reposted here as to provide context for some new work.

‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’ – Glastonbury 2017 and the anthem of hope

Jeremy Corbyn was the real headline act at this year’s Glastonbury Festival and I’ve never seen anything like it. He is, after all, a politician!

Mark Fisher – the political, the cultural and the personal

Mark Fisher drew on the working class experience and cultural references that resonated with me personally in order to present serious and apposite cultural and political analysis through a form of personal storytelling that were journeys through contemporary culture. He’ll be sorely missed.

England’s Dreaming, Babylon’s Awakenings

An intercultural view of Punk and it’s connections in what’s been dubbed the genre’s 40th anniversary year.

Gambiarra – Rescuing Rio’s Opening Ceremony

It’s hard to imagine that any city as troubled as Rio de Janeiro is at the moment could have pulled that ceremony off as successfully they did, but it was gambiarra with a dose of digital tech that saved the day.

2015 a year – like every year – of great music

Celebrating the New Year and in response to those grumpy old men that lament the “death of music”, I’ve done the unusual thing for me of posting my top 5 albums of 2015 as just a sample of the great music that humans continue to produce with or without a corporate record industry.

Multipotentiality – having learned much

In her talk at TEDxBend 2015 author, entrepreneur, artist and career coach Emily Wapnick called on the audience to “ask yourself where you learned to assign the meaning of wrong or abnormal to doing many things”.

City of Conspiracy – Transmedia for Black People

Getting my toolkit together for some early stage concept development on a new transmedia project, I recently re-visited the website of Conducttr, a transmedia development platform. I was drawn to the strap line for a project by Hip Hop artist and author Jonny Virgo: “Dan Brown meets Harry Potter – with more black people”.

Eclectic Electric at the London Jazz Festival

So yesterday I mentioned an event I was getting some imagery together for that led me to theInfinite Jukebox. Well this is the gig. Coming out of the Jazz Warriors International stable which is programming all over this year’s London Jazz Festival, it’s rooted in Cleveland Watkiss’s and Orphy Robinson’s ambition to disrupt the stagnant convention of the jazz jam […]

VJ or…?

So recently I’ve found myself back doing this ‘VJing’ thing again and it’s making me reflect on the whole scene a bit. It’s something I first started doing back in 1995 when no one knew what a VJ was. When it first became a job title it felt like some sort of apology that you […]

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