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This category contains 10 posts

Performance Live: Why Paul Mason was Kicking Sand Everywhere at the Young Vic

Having read Paul Mason’s premature evaluation of the wave of uprisings at the beginning of the decade, but not having caught his revised theatrical adventure earlier this year, I had to watch the screening of Why It’s Kicking Of Everywhere as part of the BBC’s series of “innovative” theatre broadcasts, Performance Live.

‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’ – Glastonbury 2017 and the anthem of hope

Jeremy Corbyn was the real headline act at this year’s Glastonbury Festival and I’ve never seen anything like it. He is, after all, a politician!

England’s Dreaming, Babylon’s Awakenings

An intercultural view of Punk and it’s connections in what’s been dubbed the genre’s 40th anniversary year.

Gambiarra – Rescuing Rio’s Opening Ceremony

It’s hard to imagine that any city as troubled as Rio de Janeiro is at the moment could have pulled that ceremony off as successfully they did, but it was gambiarra with a dose of digital tech that saved the day.

Repurposing The Birth Of A Nation

Repurposing the title of the 1915 racist KKK propaganda epic and reclaiming our emancipation story, Nate Parker’s record breaking independent movie “The Birth of A Nation” tells the story of Nat Turner and the 1831 slave rebellion.

The Ascension of Major Tom

Blackstar is more than just a musically brilliant and compelling album. It’s the core of what is probably David Bowie’s most significant and shining art-work – his own death.

2015 a year – like every year – of great music

Celebrating the New Year and in response to those grumpy old men that lament the “death of music”, I’ve done the unusual thing for me of posting my top 5 albums of 2015 as just a sample of the great music that humans continue to produce with or without a corporate record industry.

Making Things in a Digital World

Just read an interesting paper from last year by David Gauntlett, author of Making Is Connecting. It discusses six theses that cut through the internet-is-bad vs internet-is-good for creativity debate.

City of Conspiracy – Transmedia for Black People

Getting my toolkit together for some early stage concept development on a new transmedia project, I recently re-visited the website of Conducttr, a transmedia development platform. I was drawn to the strap line for a project by Hip Hop artist and author Jonny Virgo: “Dan Brown meets Harry Potter – with more black people”.

The Infinite Jukebox

When I set up this blog the intention was to use it as, among other things, a space to share and comment on interesting stuff I found in the real and virtual world. Suffice to say there’s a bit of a back log, but in my search for visual stimuli for an event I’m doing […]

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