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This category contains 9 posts

The Space In Between

Back in 1999 in a provocation I wrote for a listserve discussion, I described my work in networked performance between 1995 and 1999. It’s reposted here as to provide context for some new work.

England’s Dreaming, Babylon’s Awakenings

An intercultural view of Punk and it’s connections in what’s been dubbed the genre’s 40th anniversary year.

The Return of Project 23

The first ever live Drum n’ Bass band featuring jazz vocalist Cleveland Watkiss and super-human drummer Marque Gilmore, ‘the inna•most’ are back to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of their “landmark album” “23”.

City of Conspiracy – Transmedia for Black People

Getting my toolkit together for some early stage concept development on a new transmedia project, I recently re-visited the website of Conducttr, a transmedia development platform. I was drawn to the strap line for a project by Hip Hop artist and author Jonny Virgo: “Dan Brown meets Harry Potter – with more black people”.

Permanent Revolution V2R

Time to share some music. Digging through the ‘vaults’ I found this mix I did for the second half of a contemporary dance production from Union Dance Company. The show was inspired by the gallery installation series of works I created using the title Permanent Revolution.

YMV Promo #1

The first YMV viral video cut together from some of the material generated at a preview gig at London’s Mau Mau and during our development residency at Yinka Shonibare’s Guest Projects studio. It’s NOT a cover of the Dramatics song “In The Rain” – as much as we love the song. It’s in the very nature of YMV’s improvisation […]

Introducing YMV

After years of collaboration in different combinations on various projects, friends and co-conspirators Cleveland Watkiss, Orphy Robinson and Derek Richards are about to debut the long-term project they’ve been dreaming of and talking about for over a decade. Their combined journeys span the history of Black British Music and the emergence of digital creativity. They’ve […]

VJ or…?

So recently I’ve found myself back doing this ‘VJing’ thing again and it’s making me reflect on the whole scene a bit. It’s something I first started doing back in 1995 when no one knew what a VJ was. When it first became a job title it felt like some sort of apology that you […]

From The African Messiah to The Griot’s Tale

Last summer smack in the middle of the Paralympics – in fact is was part of Deloitte’s contribution to the Cultural Olympiad – while the whole of London was wearing a big smile, I returned to working with Tunde Jegede on an oratario commissioned by Yinka Shonibare for the Royal Opera House. African Messiah is an […]

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